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Email #1



What Men Want From A Woman But Are Too Shy To Ask (Really Crucial Stuff)

The Insane Desire Every Guy Keeps Private (Prepare To Be Shocked)

The Shocking Thing Men Find Attractive in a Woman (You Can't Guess This)

What I’m about to tell you is extremely IMPORTANT
and will definitely SHOCK the life out of you.

Do you know that one secret that will make any man
love every bit of you from your head, all the way down to
your toes?

Discover it here...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net

Just knowing this one thing alone will inspire him
to make you smile all the time...

And he'll pull out chairs, open doors & will treat
you like “The Most Desired” woman in the whole wide world. 

See it right now...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net

This one secret alone will help you possess his
emotions in a way where just hearing your voice alone will cause his
heart to beat faster...

...and his mind will carry thoughts of you
wherever he’d go.

Heck, don't be surprised if he wishes to rest your
head on his chest and cuddle with you in his arms every chance he would

Don't wait one more second, discover it right

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,



Email #2



A Secret About The Male Desire That Will Leave You Speechless (Really Juicy Stuff Inside)

Nutso Things Guys Desire But Won't Tell You (Try this & his reaction will shock you)


Do you know about the “Secret Male Desire” that
mesmerizes any man to the point of insanity &
floods his body with feelings of INTENSE LOVE for you.

See it here...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net

In fact, I’d like you to join me in a little experiment.

Step1 - Choose a man. Any man.

It could be a man you’ve been eyeing for a while, could be
someone you’re already with or maybe even someone
who left or rejected you in the past.

Step 2 – Use my weird but terribly effective “Secret Formula”
on him & then WAIT!

At first absolutely nothing will happen.

But as he will go about his day, this formula will continue to
work in the background and a bunch of new ideas &
feelings will grow inside him & rapidly intensify.

Then suddenly, he will find his attention and energy
strongly drawn to thoughts of you.

Get the formula here...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net

Almost immediately, he will find you so attractive, so intriguing
and so tempting that he will wish to capture you with a
fierceness that he has never known before.

Which means…

That man you’ve been eyeing for a while will instantly have an
ALMIGHTY CRUSH on you & will express how lucky he
feels to have someone as smart, caring & gorgeous as you around him.

Follow this link right now...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,


P.S I’ll also show you how to make him feel deep thirsting love
for you by using this “Secret Formula”.

Now he will desire to be next to you from sunrise to
sunset & the very idea of other women will evaporate
from his mind like water in the sun.

Follow this link right now...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net


Email #3



An Awkward Trick That Makes a Man's Heart Race (Just Do This Twice a Day)

The Weird Clue Men Give Off When They're in Love (Freaking Awesome Revelation)


I'm about to give you a "SECRET TRICK" that will
make any man become so hungry & thirsty for your love...

That he will find you more valuable than all the
wonders of the universe taken together. 

See it here...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net

The moment you use this trick on a man, something
rather strange will happen inside him where he will feel that you are
everything he wished for...

...Hoped for, searched for and imagined all rolled
up in one.

See this right now, follow this link...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net

Within the very first minutes of using this he
will start seeing a movie in his head playing back scenes of you & him being

...loving each other & he will crave to make you
his forever. 

Every morning his ONLY thought will be how many
times he would get to hug or kiss you in the day ahead.

And watch how he shamelessly admits that you’re
all he’s ever wanted & desired out of life. 

Discover it here, follow this link...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net

See You Soon,








Subject lines...

Illogical ways to get love

Brutal ways to tempt a man

Want love? Create drama

Inject him with love by creating drama

Men love drama

Electrify his mind by creating drama


Today I’ll reveal some extremely outrageous,
illogical, and even downright brutal tactics…

…to trigger so much love in a man, that he
will find you to be the most tempting and
irresistible woman he’s ever come across.

Follow this link…


And, as outrageous as it sounds right now,
this will all happen when you create lots and
lots of “DRAMA” around him.


On the next page…

You will hear things that will absolutely
thrill you to bits, and will fill your body
with a delicious feeling of delight.

At the same time…

You will also hear things which will make you
experience mysterious impulses that might
shock your senses a little.

Follow this link right now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,


P.S I can promise that as you discover this
method, a sudden thrill will surge up from
your belly…

…and you will feel one sensation piled up
over another, because this is nothing like
anything you’ve ever seen, heard, or
experienced before.

Follow this link right now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net





Subject lines...

Give him a secret thrill by being dramatic

Want to Win his love? Be dramatic

Wire his mind to yours by using drama

Burn his senses with love by using drama

Be Dramatic & Peak his mind with passion?


I know what you’re thinking!


But men hate drama, don’t they?

Well, without a doubt, yes they do…

But the kind of drama I’m talking about will
trigger off bombs of absolute delight within
any man’s mind, body and soul.

Follow this link to discover it…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

I’m talking about the kind of drama, which
will push any man to experience absolute peak
levels of love, and attraction for you.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

This is the kind of drama which will cement
you so deeply in his mind, that he will find
himself floating in a never ending stream of
joy at the very thought of you.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

The type of drama, which will make him feel
such an intensity of love for you, that it
will appear to be beyond the boundaries of

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,


P.S I know it sounds a little bizarre and
over the top, but what you will discover on
the next page will completely turn your world
upside down.

Follow this link before it’s too late…







Subject lines...

Trigger a tsunami of love within him?

He will let you take advantage of him?

He will feel mad urges to love you

Peak love formula? Make him your love slave

Send his senses over the edge with love


Do you know that you can get any man to feel
mad urges to do loving things for you over
and over again?

Do you know that you can make any man beg you
to take advantage of him, and will feel
absolutely amazing in the process?

How you ask? It’s simple; you can do this by
creating drama. Follow this link to discover

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

Imagine triggering storms of never ending
passion in a man’s mind…

Imagine rewiring his feelings for you, to a
level, where he feels a constant tsunami of
hot and awfully pleasing joy at the very
idea of you…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

So much joy that he won’t be able to push you
out of his head, and will find himself
completely consumed as images of you will
constantly flicker through his mind.

And all this will happens when you create
lots and lots of drama around him, follow
this link to discover how…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,


P.S After you discover this, you will be as
excited as a little mouse who’s stumbled upon
a mountain of cheese.

Follow this link right now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net





Subject lines...

Is this even possible?

Make him weak with love

Imagine this…

Twisted love method

He will wish to trap you after this…


I want to do something weird with you today….

I want you to imagine something…


The same man, who once found you to be plain,
boring and even unattractive or ugly…

Now thinking of you as an exceptionally
beautiful, super smart and irresistibly sexy

A woman he only ever thought could exist in
his dreams.

Is this possible you wonder? Absolutely yes,
here is how…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

The same man who used to find his mind
congested with intense doubts and fears at
the very idea of commitment…

Will now feel such monstrous proportions of
desire for you…

That he will not only want to marry you, but
will literally wish to trap you and keep you
close to him for as long as possible.

Here is how…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

In fact, He will find himself needing to have
a lot more of you, than ever before.

I can bet, that your eyes will widen with a
shocking sense of astonishment.

When the same man who treated you like dirt,
and left you with an agonizing level of pain
after breaking up.

Will now tell you that he is filled with a
painful level of guilt and frustration, for
EVER, letting you go.

Follow this link to discover how…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,


P.S What was normally the hardest thing in
the world for you will now appear to be the
easiest, when it comes to men and

Follow this link…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net






Subject lines...

Be his love drug

A new emotional high

Relationship panic? Try drama

Men troubles? Try drama

Being nasty gets you loved?

Be a drama queen – win his love?


Do you know about the “Drama Method”?

This method gives you the power to make any
man feel every good emotion with a lot more
intensity when he is around you.

Discover it now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

He will feel a more intense level of love for
you, and a new sense of comfort around you.

In fact, this will make him feel addicted to
the feelings he experiences around you.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

In other words: when he will laugh, he will
laugh much harder with you, which also means
that he will experience every emotion at its
peak level.

Discover it now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,


By using this method you will appear to him
as this worthy woman he could spend the rest
of his life with.


Because no other woman would be able to make
him experience such intense emotional highs.
Follow this link…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net






Subject lines...

He wants this but won’t tell you

Emotional variety? Men crave this

Make him greedy for you?

Want love? Trigger his greed glands

Forget love – Infatuate him with this

Clever love trick – This will melt him


Do you know that men need emotional variety
with their partner?

I’ll show you how to fulfill this need in a
weirdly unique way, which will make any man’s
mouth literally water with emotional greed
over you.

Discover how here…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

Men who once seemed to be completely out of
your league will now experience a sudden and
almost unexpected jolt of infatuation towards

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

Not just this, you will also discover a
clever way to make him feel so good around
you, that he will feel privileged and glad to
be in your company.

He will naturally feel the need to become
exclusive to you and only you.

Follow this link right now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon ,


P.S This is the easiest and fastest secret to
making him give you what you want from him
without any resistance or second guessing.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net






Subject lines...

His pulses with leap with love

Imagine yourself on a first date…

Do you see glitter in his eyes?

Twisted love trick – Men need this

So much love that it’s scary?


Imagine this…

Imagine yourself talking to a man on the very
first date, and as you speak to him you
witness a slight glitter of excitement in his

The more you talk to him, the more you
witness a drastic change in his body

And you can feel his pulses leaping through
his chest with attraction and interest for

It’s almost as if he is letting you know that
your nearness is making him feel a very
intense sense of euphoria.

Would you like that? Discover how to do it
right now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

You will also discover exactly how to create
a unique kind of tension, within the mind of
that one special man.

That will make him experience mysterious
impulses, and almost strange sensations that
will make him want you with so much intensity
that it will be a little scary.

Discover how here…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

Your presence will make him feel so good that
he will ache to be around you as much as

In fact, He will look at you with such a
happy and loving expression that for a moment
you will feel like you’re dreaming.

Follow this link to discover how…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,


P.S You find yourself feeling an evil sense
of delight after you see this presentation,
watch it right now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net






Subject lines...

Biggest baddest bizarre love trick

Weave your web of attraction today?

Make him dizzy with attraction?

Bizarre trick - Create any reaction within him

Want his love? Instruct him...


Let me tell you the biggest, baddest and most
bizarre trick to get a man to love you.

Are you ready?

It’s “DRAMA”…

By using drama and drama alone, you will be
able to weave a web of attraction which will
burn any man’s body with extreme amounts of
passion for you.

Don’t believe me? Let me prove it, follow
this link…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

An evil grin of delight will smear across
your face, as you realize how easily you can
create any reaction you please, in a man.

In fact, once you use he will almost feel
dizzy with extreme attraction for you.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

You will find yourself both surprised and
shocked by his sudden obedience.

You will find him being exceptionally
generous, loving, and forgiving towards you,
in comparison to every other woman out there.

I can almost feel the eagerness building
within you and I can sense that you truly
understand how useful this is going to be in
your life.

Follow this link right now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,


P.S Any man will find himself emotionally
wrapped around your instructions.

It will almost be as if you have a
psychological pull on him. Follow this link
right now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net






Subject lines...

Dumped like last week’s trash?

Ever had this happen to you?

Did your heart squeeze with pain?

Loneliness can tear your heart


Have you ever had this happen to you?

Have you ever sat in the corner of your room
suffering from that ugly and lonely silence
when that one special man decided to suddenly
not talk to you?

Have you ever felt your heart squeeze with
pain, when that one special man who loved
you, suddenly decides to dump you like last
week’s trash?

If yes, then you absolutely need to do this…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

You will discover something called the “DRAMA
METHOD” when you click on the link above.

And when you will use it in your life…

You will feel your body roaring with an
intense amount of joy, peace and

Because now you will witness the same man who
got distant…

Suddenly comes back to you, almost on his
knees, and wants you to forgive him for his
ridiculous behavior.

Follow this link to discover how…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,







Subject lines...

His eyes send private messages to my brain

You will see love pouring from his eyes

Make it easy for him to love you

He needs this to love you

Sell him comfort to buy his love?


Have you ever wondered why some women get
lots of love while others struggle?

You probably don’t know this, but men need
you to create a certain atmosphere around
them, to make it easy for them to love you.

You will discover a very unreasonable trick
to make this happen on the next page, follow
this link…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

You will disagree with this, when you hear it
for the first time.


Doing this one thing alone, will make a man
feel extreme joy at the mere act of doing
romantic things for you.


He will derive an extreme sense of
satisfaction out of loving you, the way YOU
want to be loved.

Follow this link right now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

Whenever you will look at him, it will feel
as if his eyes are sending private messages
of love to your brain.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

You will see love pouring from his eyes, like
a waterfall from a mountain.

I know it sounds cheesy, but he will find
something warm and enchanting about your
presence, but he won’t be able to describe

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,


P.S You will also discover some of the most
powerful, surprising, and even terrifying
secrets about men, which will literally turn
your world upside down.

Follow this link…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net






Subject lines...

Are you a lunatic magnet?

Do crazy men chase you against your will?

Are you a weird man magnet?

Do you have the bad smell factor?

Make his body squirm with attraction…


Do you keep on attracting total lunatics and
oddly weird men into your life?

The type of men who make your blood boil with
anger, and make your heart sink with

If yes, then you are suffering from what I
call the ‘Bad Smell Factor’.

No, I am not talking about body odor, I am
talking about the mental “feeling” or ‘vibe’
a man gets when he is around you.

There is one solution if you have this issue,
follow this link to discover it…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

Once you discover this, you will know how to
get super high quality men to want to be with
you, as much as you want to be with them.


Are you tired of feeling that odd twinge of
disappointment when you finally find the
right man but he never calls back even when
he said he would?

Discover the “Attraction Anticipation” method
and watch any man feel so much intrigue for
you, that he will feel almost flooded with an
unexplainable urge to call you.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

His body will completely squirm with
impatience, and he will feel an intense level
of greed to hear your voice on the phone.

This is so easy that you will feel as if you
aren’t even putting any effort into it.

Follow this link right now…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,






Subject lines...

Make yourself prettier using drama

Drama makes you sexy

Dump makeup! Use drama to look hotter

Men only want pretty women? Wrong…

Make yourself hotter using drama


Men only like to chase pretty women, right?


I’ll show you something called The Art of
Dramatic Sex Appeal.

Follow this link…


This unbelievably easy method will make every
man see you as this super-hot and sexy woman,
even if you currently believe that you’re not
that good looking.

Most men will find themselves heavily drawn
to you once you use this.


Knowing this one thing alone is enough to
turn any man into a crazy raving lunatic who
will feel an over intensified level of
attraction for you…


In fact, this will compel him to obey your
every command.

He will find himself lost in attraction
overload mode after you try this on him.


See you soon,







Subject lines...

She murdered his heart

She spilt his heart into a million pieces

You were a mistake


Boy, oh boy! What a dramatic and crazy story.

I was just watching a presentation which
completely blew me over.

It’s about a guy named Aaron…

Here is his dramatic story in his own words…

Here I am, bright eyed and bushy tailed,
early on a Saturday morning…

…checking my work emails as usual, when
suddenly, 4 strange words catch me from the
corner of my eye.

“You Were A Mistake”, it reads.

Assuming that it must be one of those joke
emails from a colleague, or a funny story, I
click it, preparing myself for a little bit
of amusement.

But what I saw next, cast a heavy flash of
intense shock through my body, so much so,
that I could feel vomit burning up through my

Before I knew it, I was running to the
bathroom, spewing a hurricane of coffee and
bagels I had eaten half an hour ago.

Discover the rest here…


See you soon,








Subject lines...

Men love desperation

Desperation attracts men

Men love needy women


Neediness repulses men, right?


Truth is - Guys want you to need them.

Do you know the right way to be needy which
actually makes a man’s feel obsessively and
spontaneously “LOVESTRUCK” by you.

Follow this link…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

And now just this, on the next page you will
also discover…

A very clever method to scan any man’s mind
and get him to come up with his own reasons
on why you must give him a chance to date
you, spend time with you or even commit to

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

In short, he will feel an internal push to
convince you to like him, love him or commit
to him.

In fact, from this point on, you can tell him
exactly what you need, expect and want from
him, and watch him fulfill your wishes with a
crazy sense of urgency.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,


P.S Every man will just find himself
emotionally wrapped around your instructions.

It will almost be as if you have a
psychological pull on him.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net







Subject lines...

Hear his thoughts

Listen to his thoughts

Uncensored secrets about men

Explicit insight into his head

Hear his thoughts when he is silent

Today I want to give you an uncensored,
explicit and a little unfair insight on the
male psychology.

An insight where you will feel as if you’re
hearing your man’s thoughts even when he
doesn’t utter a single word.

Follow this link to discover it…

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

Once you discover this insight, you will
notice that almost every man is more
welcoming and accepting towards your
suggestions than ever before.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

Now you won’t have to hope or pray for him to
do the right thing.

He would just be naturally inspired to do it
anyway and this is only the beginning.

You will find yourself completely relaxed and
at ease even during the most nerve wracking
situations around a man because now you have
access to this insight.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net

See you soon,


P.S You will also discover 1 very clever way
to keep any man stay in that never ending
love loop.

Hint - It involves making your man see you as
the ultimate resource for everything he could
desire, want and need.

=> http://YOURCLICKBANKID.DRAMABOOK.hop.clickbank.net



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Download the entire pack of banners (Click Here)



Article #1 -

Men agree - This technique makes them fall in love Hard & Fast (Advice you'd be crazy not to take)

Hi, I’m Aaron, and over the next few minutes, I am going to tear down all the walls to reveal some extremely outrageous, illogical...

And even downright brutal tactics to trigger so much love in a man, that he will find you to be the most tempting and irresistible woman he’s ever come across.

What I’m talking about will trigger off bombs of absolute delight within any man’s mind, body and soul.

This will push any man to experience absolute peak levels of love, and attraction for you.

Heck this will cement you so deeply in his mind, that he will find himself floating in a never ending stream of joy at the very thought of you.

And how can you achieve all this? You can do it all by raising a man’s “emotional temperature”.

In other words, you have to tune up the intensity of emotions a man experiences in your presence.

The higher the intensity of the emotions, the more his body will force him to claim you.

Because if you really think about it…what exactly is love, attraction, desire or affection; and more importantly, how do you even define them?

These are nothing but mere emotions and feelings. Therefore when you raise his emotional temperature he will automatically feel a very intense level of attraction and love for you.

He will find himself drawn to you in a very mysterious sort of a way, something he won’t exactly be able to point out or put a finger on. But he will feel this intense level of chemistry and attraction towards you.

By ‘intense level of chemistry’, I mean, that he will experience a sudden sweet burn in the pit of his stomach and will find himself feeling an almost unreasonable level of desire for you.

When you have raised his emotional temperature, to the right level, there are 3 really wonderful things which will happen next…

Number 1He Will Find Himself In The Zone Of Consistent Attraction For You

By raising the emotional temperature you will indirectly leave an imprint of yourself in his mind so intensely and deeply that his heart will dance with excitement at the very mention of you.

You will notice that each time he sees you or thinks about you, he feels an even stronger pull towards you. He will experience a huge ripple of comfort around you which will almost force him to wrap himself in the tender warmth of your presence around him.

Number 2 – He Will Feel Emotionally Safe In Your Presence.
By raising the emotional temperature, you will indirectly create an atmosphere of emotional security where he will only experience feelings of relief around you.

The same man, who used to be clouded with uneasiness at the very idea of committing to you, will now literally beg you, to let him commit to you, with a new sense of urgency.

Number 3 – He Will Never Grow Bored Of You
Have you ever felt terrorized and almost trapped when a man is uncertain with his behaviour around you?

If yes, I have some good news for you: you won’t ever have to suffer from this issue again, when you raise his emotional temperature, because once you do it, you will find that his body will be burning with a never ending level of greed and need for you.

Now you must be wondering – ‘Alright Aaron! I understand that I need to raise his emotional temperature, but the question is how do I do it?

Follow this link to discover “HOW” right now...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net


Article #2 -

The most twisted secret about the male brain (You'll be pleasantly surprised)

Do you want LOVE from a man? Then rub the reptile.

Do you want him to WORSHIP you like a goddess? Then rub his reptile.

Do you want him to finally get over his weird EMOTIONAL HANGUPS & commit to you?

Then once again, rub his reptile.

I don’t know if you know this or not but every human being has something called the reptilian brain.

The sole job of this portion of your brain is to ensure your survival and to make sure that you achieve maximum possible pleasure out of everything you do.

So the core job of this brain is survival and pleasure.

This brain basically follows 2 rules…

Rule 1- Unlike your logical brain, this brain doesn’t have the power to reason and only understands the simple language of pain or pleasure.

Therefore, it tends to motivate you to do more of the things which please you and less of the things which give you pain.

Rule 2 – Since this brain doesn’t have any power to reason, any message sent directly to this part of a man’s brain is followed with an extreme sense of urgency because it doesn’t have the power to reason, and it has no power to reject a command.

For example, if I say “DON’T” think of a big, fat, blue COW…

What’s the first thing which popped into your head? An image of a blue cow RIGHT?

That’s because your reptilian brain can’t reject a command even when it is told “Not to do something”.

Therefore, when you plant messages or suggestions in a man’s reptilian brain, he becomes utterly immune to everything else and follows through with your commands as if it is something really urgent.

So now can you understand why I kept saying rub his reptile?

To illustrate this further, let me ask you a quick question…

Have you ever been around a man, who was starting to grow bored and distant to the point where you tried desperately hard & did all the right things…

…but nothing worked and he kept slipping further and further away from you?

By the same token, have you ever seen a man going absolutely brain dead in attraction for a specific woman to the point…

…where he ends up doing some very shocking, embarrassing and almost stupid things?

Why do you think such a thing happens?

This happens when a man’s reptilian brain is completely convinced that a particular woman is a source of pleasure…

And as a result it force feeds feelings of attraction in a man’s system which urges him to actively pursue that woman.

When the reptilian brain concludes that being around a certain woman isn’t pleasurable enough, it will naturally make a man feel that ugly knot of bitterness in his stomach, which will make him feel repulsed by that specific woman.

In short, if you know how to trigger a man’s reptilian brain the right way, you can make him go absolutely crazy for you but get it wrong, and he will massively hate you and won’t even know why.
So how do you do it? Here is how, follow this link…

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net

Plus, you'll also discover...

The “Sizzling Desire Technique”...

This will make his mind go blank & something inside him will scream that you’re the only one for him.  He’ll be so hooked that everything you do will just make him fall a little more in love with you.

Go here now...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net


Do you know about the “Emotional Bankruptcy technique”?

This makes a man treat you like a “Rare Gem” that he must care for with a passionate intensity.

He’ll feel so over his head in love with you that he won’t feel at ease until he lets you know how much he appreciates every breath, every word, every hug & kiss you share with him.

Discove this and a lot more here...

==> http://YOURCBID.dramabook.hop.clickbank.net