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New Swipe #1

Subject lines...

This makes his heart race with love

Now he will beg you to marry him

Exposed: Sneak into his mind

Control his mind?

Revealed: How to make him need you...

I’m about to show you exactly how to use a
secret super power to sneak into a man’s mind
& make his heart race with crazy love for


This secret will charge him up with an
invisible urge that gets him more and more
addicted to you.

Discover it here…


This means that the same man who absolutely
hated you with a vengeance, will now stare at
you with his eyes literally bulging out of
his face.

The same man who used to freeze up with a
terrorized expression at the very mention of
the word “COMMITMENT”, will now eagerly &
impatiently, beg you to marry him.

Discover it here...


See you soon,


P.S You will discover the secret to making
any guy twice as curious, twice as interested
that he will see you as the ultimate
resource for everything he could ever desire,
want and need.




New Swipe #2

Subject lines...

He will crave to hold you

He will ache to touch you

Melt him like butter

Make him need you intensely

Revealed: how to hypnotize him & make him
like it.


I’ll let you in on a little secret today.

Do you know about the secret super power any
woman can use and have such an intense
hypnotic effect on any man that his heart
beats against his ribs at the very thought of

Discover it here…


In fact, you can apply this to a man who
absolutely hates you and he will experience
his defenses weakening…

…and will find himself experiencing an
uncontrollable level of passion for you
within seconds.

Discover it here…


This means that he will unconsciously ignore
all your flaws and will find you exquisite in
every way possible.

Discover it here…


See you soon,


P.S Now you will see that perfect man aching
to touch you, craving to hold you, and
needing you so intensely that it almost
overwhelms you…

Discover it here…



New Swipe #3

Subject lines...

Make him crazy for you the easy way

Penetrate his mind?

He will beg to be close to you?

Get into his mind & influence him?

Men crave this: Make him wish, want & need


I’m going to let you into a little secret
today, so pay very close attention here.


I want to give you a secret that will give
you the capability to penetrate any man’s
mind so intensely…

…that your presence alone will make his heart
race with crazy love.

Discover it here…


It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve
failed in the past…

Because now every man will feel an
overpowering urge to be so close to you, that
he won’t be able to restrain his feelings,
and will wish, want and need you to be his

Discover it here…


Regardless of how bad, ugly or downright
humiliating your current situation is, by
using this secret any man will go out of his
way to look after you, protect you, satisfy
your every little desire & will crave to be
with you for the rest of his life.

Discover it here…


It doesn’t matter if you’re single, married,
divorced or going through a complicated

Because now you’ll be able to influence him
to your way of thinking, diffuse arguments &
connect with him on a level that no other
woman can even dream of.

Discover it here…


See you soon,


P.S I know this sounds too good to be true
right now but, if you pay very close
attention to every word you hear on the next
page and stay till the very end of the
presentation, you will be able to make any
man feel an immediate and overwhelming
attraction for you.

Follow this link…




Email Swipe #4

Subject lines...

Men are weird
Men are so odd
Men are strange
How well do you know your man?
Weird secrets about men


Hi [Name],

Did you know there are secrets about a man, you didn't even
know existed?

And Not knowing these secrets is actually harming
your chances with your man yet you aren't even aware of it?

In the next few minutes, I will reveal things about this
strange creature called "MAN" that most women will never
come to know.

===>Follow this link right now...


But let me warn you before hand - what you are about to hear can
make you feel a sudden rush of excitement or can even make you
down right angry. So I hope you're able to handle it...

If you are currently in a relationship with a man...

Want to be in a relationship with a man...

Or are completely sick and tired of a man...

Trust me, this is one of the most important videos you are
ever going to see. What you're going to discover about men from
this videomight be the most important 5 minutes you ever spend...

===> Check it out right now...


All The Best...


PS - I don't know how long this video will remain online, watch
it while you can...



Email Swipe #5

Subject Lines...

Are you a sinner?
Did you commit this nasty sin?
Are you a sinner in your relationship?
The nastiest sin women commit in a relationship
Are you guilty of committing this horrible sin?


Hi [Name],

What I am about to share with you could give you a
sudden rush of excitement or can even make you down
right angry. I hope you're able to handle it.

What if I were to tell you that there's an unforgivable sin
almost every woman commits around a man?

What if I were to tell you that hundreds of millions of women do
this EVERYDAY with their man?

What if I further told you that most women who do this have no idea
that they're committing a horrible sin?

Are you wondering if you do it too?

===> Discover the truth right here, follow this link -


Let me ask you a few questions here...See if you relate.

Do you wonder why your man becomes so difficult when you try to
express yourself & get him to listen?

Do you have situations where you feel neglected because your man
acts like other things are more important than you are?

Do you often wonder what's on his mind & can't
understand why he does what he does?

Do you desperately wish or hope for a magical way
which would let you see what he is thinking?

Do you ever have those painful moments where you really want to
talk about an issue but fear his reaction & just avoid it?

How about the time when you told your man exactly what you were
feeling only to see him get defensive, withdraw & get distant
for no reason?

And finally the big one, Do you fear that your man is on the verge
of leaving you & it's driving you nuts but you just
don't know how to stop him?

If you find any of these situations familiar and are nodding your
head with agreement right now then you are probably guilty of
committing the #1 unforgivable sin and this can be the devastating
kiss-of-death to your relationship unless you do something about it
right now.
This is the main reason why I want you to watch this video till the
very last minute & not skip any part of it. So sit tight &
pay very close attention...


Trust me, this video is guaranteed to surprise & shock you
at the same time, follow this link right now...


All the best,


Email Swipe #6

Subject Lines...

Do men drive you crazy?
Is your man crazy?
Is he driving you nuts?
Learn how to make him "GET IT"


Hello [Name],
How many times have you felt a certain way or wanted him to
understand something only to realize that he doesn't have
tiniest of an idea regarding what you're trying to say?

Sadly, this makes most men seem like the thickest, most out of
touch beings on the planet, but it's because they think

I am going to share something which was a major
"AHA" moment for every woman I've shared it with...Follow this
link right now...

Guys do things all the time that they don't realize they're
doing. He can be saying or doing things that hurt you, frustrate
you or even make you angry but in his world he isn't really aware
of the damage it's causing you.

In other words - What is obvious to you as a woman isn't
necessarily going to be obvious to him as a man.

And this brings me to the second major "AHA" moment...Follow this
link to discover it...


Both men and women constantly expect each other to see the
situation the way they personally see it. In other words - A man
expects a woman to understand his point of view, while a woman
expects a man to understand hers. Both believe that their way is
the right way.

Do you know that you might be expecting him to understand
something which he is incapable of understanding because of his
genetic makeup as a man?

I’d like to show you exactly how you can speak the secret language of
men. Knowing it will grant you the power to inspire him to give you whatever
you wish, every single time. You will connect with him on a level, you’ve
never imagined before. Watch this video till the very last minute to
discover it…

All the best,



Email Swipe #7

Subject Lines...

Your relationship is doomed.
Is your relationship a nightmare?
I need to get something off my chest.
Is your relationship driving you nuts?
Hello [NAME],

Today, I want to get something off my chest. I've been keeping
it in way too long...I am tired of watching women mess themselves
up over guys.

Majority of women spend months & years living in a
nightmarish relationship praying & hoping that some day things
will change.

The reality is that it won't. If you keep on doing what
you've always done, you will keep on getting what you always got.

If you want a solid step-by-step solution, follow this link right now...


And here is the sad part - Most women refuse to get help,
they sort of stick to their own personal theories and ideas.
They take the old hit & trial route and struggle year after year
to eventually end up heavily frustrated and hopeless.

Don't let that be you. Watch this video right now...

Why would you follow the hit and trial route when there are
proven, step-by-step secrets out there which will get you out of
your misery & put you on the fast-track to success?

Here is the solution...

It's possible to create near instant change in your
relationship if you know exactly how to tackle various situations
effectively. This video shows you exactly how that is done...


All the best,



Email Swipe #8

Subject Lines...

A man is like a car
Can you drive your man?
Let me show you how to drive your man
Men want to be driven
Do you have the license to drive your man?

Hello [NAME],

I have something important to share about men & relationships
with you today. Pay close attention...

Imagine sitting in a car for the first time ever and trying to
figure out how to make it go forward, Do you have a picture in
mind? Can you see yourself struggling with that steering wheel?

Okay, now let's say after enough trial & error you finally
figure out how to make it move but wait!

Do you think you will drive it perfectly without any training or help?
Absolutely not. You will probably crash into something causing severe
damage to both the car and yourself.

Now let's replace this car with a man (Sounds funny I know),
and imagine trying to deal with a man without proper instructions
on how he operates. Just like the car you are very likely to cause
an accident & hurt both yourself and the man.

And sadly this is the approach most women take with the man in
their life...So no wonder they find themselves in difficult
situations so often.

When women go into dealing with men without knowing how they
operate, it causes accidents, misunderstandings & painful

Let me show you how to drive him properly...Follow this link -


What you are about to hear can make you feel a sudden rush of
excitement or can even make you down right angry. So I hope you’re
able to handle it…


All the best,


PS - I don't know how long this video will remain online, watch it
while you can...Here is the link again -




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Article #1...

The #1 Unforgivable Sin Most Women Commit In A Relationship...

What if I were to tell you that there's an unforgivable sin
almost every woman commits around a man?

What if I were to tell you that hundreds of millions of women do
this EVERYDAY with their man?

What if I further told you that most women who do this have no idea
that they're committing a horrible sin?

Are you wondering if you do it too? Before I talk about this sin,
I'd like to share a story with you...

It's a story about Cindy & Matt. They have been in a
relationship for the last 2 years. They always had a great
connection, it was like they were made for each other but lately
things aren't the same.

Cindy is very worried...She can sense that Matt is a lot more
"inside his head" lately, he isn't being as open as
he used to be. She misses the comfort of the days when she could
talk about something & genuinely connect with him.

But now she is living a life of quite desperation because
Matt's behavior is confusing her, She is feeling a lot more out
of control, she is spending her days in constant fear &
anxiety, she wants to know what's going on but lack of
communication from Matt is only making things worse.

She is a lot more miserable now and misses the closeness but it
seems like Matt doesn't really care.
She is wondering if it's something she has said or done which
is causing this? She can sense this huge gap in understanding &
a giant invisible wall between herself and Matt.

But there is an even bigger fear which is freaking her out, she
fears that maybe Matt is thinking of breaking up with her. She
fears that maybe he is doing things behind her back & has
someone else in his life.

The very thought of imagining Matt with another woman makes her
feel this ugly feeling in her stomach, her heart starts to pound
faster and it makes her feel literally paralyzed.

Have you ever had such a feeling around your man? Have you ever
felt that awful feeling in your gut when you didn't know what
was going on inside his head and you feared that maybe he was
thinking of leaving you?

Well maybe you have faced a similar situation or maybe you
haven't... but I bet you can relate to that nasty feeling that
surfaces when you don't understand your man.

Hundreds of millions of women go through this every single day. But
do you know why this happens? It's because most women commit
the number 1 unforgivable sin in a relationship which completely
ruins their chances...Want to know what this sin is?

Here it is and I want you to listen carefully to this...The number
1 unforgivable relationship sin is - Not Knowing How The Male Mind

I bet you're wondering - huh? This isn't really a sin. Yes
it is and let me tell you why. It's a sin because not
understanding how the male mind works will always lead you into
relationship issues and problems, you will always find yourself
confused and frustrated.

And it's unforgivable because it can completely ruin a happy
relationship and often times can lead to a painful divorce or a
breakup which could have been avoided. Not understanding the male
psychology can send you on emotional "tailspins" for days
on end, and you will feel out of control as a result. It is without

This can be the devastating kiss-of-death to your relationship
unless you do something about it right now. Follow this link right
now & watch the video on the next page till the very late



Article #2...

Why women freak out around a man & unknowingly do things which push him away...

Do you know what happens when a woman goes through a difficult
situation with a man?

She keeps freaking out...I call it the freak out syndrome. This is
how the cycle runs...

A woman finds herself in a difficult situation with a man...

She doesn't understand why he's doing what he's doing...

She then tries to do what she assumes is the right thing but it
doesn't work...

She then feels stuck & eventually freaks out.

It's no surprise why so many women are leading a life of silent

The point I am trying to make here is that when women drive
themselves completely nuts by freaking out over and over again, it
messes them up completely over time.

But it doesn't stop here...

In fact! Under such a situation a woman unknowingly does things
which push a man further away...
Here are the two most common routes women take...

1- They first try to convince a man.
2- And when the first option doesn't work, they try to argue
their way into his head.

I don't know why but women have this inner belief that if they
can just explain their situation to a man he will somehow get it...

Guess what? It doesn't really work that way. You can never make
him understand your situation when you try hard to drill your point
into his head. In fact! The harder you try, the further he will
pull himself.

And when convincing him doesn't work, they take the second
route, which is to argue or fight and finally when things get
really bad, they use blame and guilt to get their point across.

Let me explain this with a good example...

Let's say your man is starting to get distant & you fear
that maybe he is planning to leave you. You first try to understand
why he is getting distant, but things aren't making any sense,
as a result you freak out.

Next, you try to talk to him about it, you say things like -

Honey! I don't know why you are avoiding me like this, what
have I done? Are you planning to leave me? Have you found someone
else? I need answers.

And you still don't get the answers you need and as a result
your anxiety is starting to turn into anger. You feel that you
deserve answers from him...And in the process you say things like...

I am sick & tired of not getting answers from you. You
aren't pulling your share of weight in the relationship, I feel
like I am doing all the work. You only care about yourself.

This is a major mistake which can literally shake the foundation of
a relationship. When you use this approach a man only feels
attacked and his first reaction is to get even more distant to
avoid confrontation.

It's important to understand that you can't hold a gun to
his head & make him get it. You are following an utterly
hopeless strategy if you think you can.

There is a better way - There are things you can do & say which
will naturally make a man want to open up to you, give you all the
love you need and be devoted to you for the rest of his life. Follow
this link right now to discover it...



Article #3...

Is he ignoring you? Here is a solid tactics which gets instant
Do you know there are things you can do during a difficult
situation with a man, to turn things around to your advantage? Most
women rely on pure luck or chance & hope that things will
somehow get better with time. The truth is that it won't unless
you do something about it right now.

Let me share a solid step by step tactic you can apply to your
situation right now, and see instant results...

Let's say your man has been ignoring you a lot lately and is
always too involved in his work. And you want him to spend a few
moments of his day with you.

Most women would be direct about this and go about it in the
following way...

Woman - How come you never spend time with me anymore?

Man - Can't you see I'm busy? I have a lot of work to do.

Woman - You are always working...It seems as if I don't even
exist in your world.

Man - Can't you see why I work so hard?

Woman - Seems like you don't really love me anymore...

And this is where useless arguments start and both parties end up
highly frustrated.

Here is the golden secret - In order to be understood, you have to
first understand. In other words, you have to show your man that
you understand his situation first, before you expect him to
understand yours. When you give it, you always get it back ten

Once you understand his situation and cater to his needs...He will
instantly cater to yours without any resistance.

So now let me show you how to do it the right way...Instead of
directly letting him know, try this...

Woman - You know I am really lucky to have you as my mate.
You work so hard to provide me with everything. I just wanted to
let you know I really appreciate everything you have done for me.

Man - Thank you very much...I am glad to have you in my life as

Woman - I am really sorry if I am disturbing you...But I just felt
like spending some time with you today...But if you are busy we can
do this later.

Man - Oh honey! I am glad you are so, understanding. I tell
You what...I am almost done with this project...Give me a couple of
Hours, then we will go out to eat. Sounds good?

Woman - Seems perfect!

And you see! How easy things can be when you are willing to give
before you expect to get anything in return. You can turn a
difficult situation into an easy one just by making a few
adjustments with your words. Now imagine if you were given a set of
tools & tactics which will show you exactly how to tackle
various situations with a man and always come out on top?

That's exactly what I am going to show you next...

I bet you're thinking...

But my personal situation is far more complicated & more
intense than this. Do you have solutions for my situation too? Yes,
I absolutely do...

Follow this link right now, and watch the video on the next page to
the very last minute -
